If you’re an artist, writer, or work-from-homer, how do you structure your hours?
I’m always curious to hear from folks about this. There’s often a lot of romance in the idea of flexibility and building our own schedules. More often though, the lack of assigned structure can feel like a battle between productivity and constant distraction. After many years of trial and error, I’ve found that my best work gets done to a pretty simple structure.
Timed 1 Hour Sessions
Working in hour-long blocks of time to a timer is what (for me) works best for sinking into focused creative art, thinking, and writing.
A few key things I do to prep for focused hours:
I turn off all inputs like phone, texts, email, news and social media.
I prep my space, get water, light a candle (which is grounding, but also, more simply, we don’t want to leave the room with an open flame burning!)
I turn on music or sound ambience for writing or brainstorming. For art-making I listen to podcasts, audiobooks, or watch shows (terrible reality shows or good stuff that I’ve seen already keep me entertained but not distracted).
Set a timer to 60 minutes.
Pretty simple! After the timer goes off, I move away from my desk for a 10-20 minute break. I use some nifty break cards for those segments (and will share all about those on the next Creative-Tea break…).
I’d love to hear what structure you’ve found works best for you. (And, if you have a favorite timer, please share!)
“Everything good needs time.
Don’t do work in a hurry.
Go into details; it pays in every way.
Time means power for your work.”
~ novelist Amelia Barr
Need a summery joy-filled friendship romp of a picture book? Writer Pat Zietlow Miller and I have got one for you! check out WHEN I'M WITH YOU
I could use more of a structure, but for now my day starts at 8:00ish and ends at 4:00ish, with breaks for stretching, eating, and maybe a load of laundry. I use a bullet journal to keep track of what I hope to get done and work on that list throughout the day.
Thanks for these tips! ✨ Leaving my phone in another room has been a game changer. Mindfulness practice has helped too.
What are your favorite terrible reality shows?!